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Case Study: Medical Sector
Engaged to review the entire business to assess the viability with the aim of divestment or creating a new strategy and growth plan.
- Conducted a full review of the business and operations both in Australia and in S.E. Asia over a 3 month period.
- Interviewed directors, shareholders and staff in Australia, Singapore and Malaysia
- Met with key customers of the business to hear their perspectives on what was working and what was not working.
- Delivered written report detailing strategic recommendations across all aspects of the business including finances, products, manufacturing, personnel, sales and marketing.
- The recommendations were adopted and I was given full authority to act as the lead on all strategic and operational initiatives and implementations.
- Set budgets, kpi’s and accountabilities for every level of the organisation.
- Established systems and began tracking performance for all areas of the business
- Created Financial and Operational controls and smart reporting to bring transparency and planning intelligence to the business
- Renegotiated contracts with local and global suppliers
- Renegotiated bad debts with local and global suppliers
- Eliminated non-performing products
- Created and facilitated new internal and external communications methods
- Negotiated ATO and creditors repayment plans
- Restructured operations in Singapore and Malaysia and analysed opportunities to expand to new market
- Sales Growth 1000% over 5 years
- Profitability from loss position to profitable within 12 months
- Growth into new markets (funded by negotiations with suppliers and customers and other internal sources of cash controls)
- Implemented sales process and reporting - enhanced sales results. Yearly growth results exceeded 120%
- New markets developed and sales from $0 to in excess of $1m
- New markets developed and sales from $0 to in excess of $1m
- Hired internal accountant to improve efficiency and operational management
- Expansion of staff from 5 to 60 across Australia and S.E. Asia
- Debt free within 24 months
- Expanded to 5 South East Asian Countries with fully self- sufficient and functional teams within 2 countries and satellite offices in 3 others
- Delivered a Business exit plan resulting in a $10m sale for the owners, a 20x investment return on capital
Case Study: Mining Sector
Engaged to establish a new business focused on the importation, sales and marketing of specialist mining equipment from Europe.
- Appointed CEO and Managing Director of the start-up import business.
- Created the business plan
- Established warehousing, distribution and sales models
- Defined the Information technology requirements and set up the systems
- Obtained certification for Import (Aus Standards, IECEx Certifications)
- Hired Staff for the business
- Managed contractual negotiations with European Suppliers
- Set financial budgets, sales targets and reporting structures
- Managed trade show marketing across Australia
- 36 months later, sold the business to a national player
- 300% ROI for owners (+$1.5m)
Case Study: Construction Sector
Engaged to conduct a general review of the underperforming business to determine the weaknesses and opportunities that existed in order to improve the business performance and likelihood of long- term success and value creation.
- Analyzed the financial, sales, operations, marketing, human resources and risk & governance sections of the business
- Created the Company’s first ever SWOT Analysis
- Created the company’s new business strategy and documented the plan
- Created the company’s value proposition and the sales and marketing plans
- Identified areas of risk within all aspects of the business
- Implemented budgeting and planning systems
- Set up and managed all kpi’s
- Eliminated uneconomic product lines
- Mentoring and coaching (one -on one)
- Weekly Activity Tracking
- Analysis and Hard, Honest Recommendations the Catalyst for Partnership being dissolved as partners had a disagreement on the new direction I proposed
- Remaining owners requested increased scope of works and implemented active management strategy
The honest, direct recommendations I was able to provide were the catalyst for the partnership being dissolved and the remaining owners adopting the new strategy and growth plans
- +60% gross sales increase over 24 months
- 200% increase in core business product line (within 12 months)
- 2022 is on track to be a record year
- FY profit from loss to 7% NP Margin
- Growth has been funded internally
- Lead generation up 30% per month over past 12 months
- Staff Turnover decreased from 80% in year prior to joining to 0%
- Cashflow is now self-sustaining (no need for capital injections)